15 April 2014 - 20962 klik
Indonesian Wood Atlas Volume IV

One of the causes of the decline in forestry industry development in Indonesia is the less availability of raw materials. Forestry development, therefore, must be based on sustainable natural resource management. In terms of utilization, this can be done through the effective and efficient use of the raw materials in accordance with their specific characteristics. 

Publication of the book “Indonesian Wood Atlas Vol IV” providing knowledge on the basic nature, the use, the silviculture system and other relevant information of Indonesian wood species is expected to meet the required data and information for further timber development. I think this book is very useful not only for researchers, academics, forest planners and managers, but also for the wider community including entrepreneurs engaged in the forestry industry. 

I therefore very welcome the publication of the book “Indonesian Wood Atlas Vol IV”, which will complement the existing wood-related information, provided in the series of “Indonesian Wood Atlas” from Vol I to Vol III. Finally, I congratulate the Authors and the Management Team in Pustekolah (Research & Development Center for Forest Product Technology) for their success in completing this important book. It is hoped the work can serve as an Indonesian wood database and can meet a timely need of the community of wood lovers and users.



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