15 April 2014 - 43115 klik
Indonesian Wood Atlas Volume II

As mentioned in the volume I, of the 4,000 wood species existing in Indonesia it is estimated that 400 species of which have the potential to play an important role (ANONYMUS, 1952). Of the 400 species, 259 are well known in the international wood trade and can be categorized into 120 group of commercial/trade wood. In the volume I, a treatise on the 30 species of 120 group of commercial wood species has been presented covering 134 botanical species, while the volume II presents 32 wood group covering 45 botanical species. The rest of the species will be presented in the subsequent volumes. 

Meanwhile, the wood species popular in global trade also continue to grow in number, reaching more than 120 groups. In the volume II, for instance, Mindi wood (Melia azedarach L) that is not popular as commercial wood is added to the list. 

Furthermore, in the context of the industrial forest plantation development  it is introduced several other species that in Indonesia have not been popular as commercial wood such as the species of Acacia mangium Willd., Eucalyptus urophylla St.Blakedan and Gmelina arborea Roxb. It is expected that the treatise on the addition of new commercial wood species and industrial timber species can be presented in the following volumes.


Kata Pengantar & Daftar Isi

Pendahuluan & Penjelasan Isi Risalah








Daftar Pustaka, Indeks & Lampiran

Penulis : Abdurahim Martawijaya, Iding Kartasujana, Y. I. Mandang, Soewanda Among Prawira & Kosasi Kadir

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