21 Maret 2013 - 3433 klik

The second gaharu workshop in 2011 signifies as a dissemination technique which proved effective to provide information for the stakeholders coming from various parties. The topic of second gaharu workshop was “ Bioinduction Technology for Sustainable Development and Conservation of Gaharu”.

This workshop could represent the collection of information about the development of gaharu technology from various parties, such as universities, research institutions, community self-sufficiency institutions, private companies, policy holders, and gaharu practitioners in the field. In other sides, this workshop also offered the current information about gaharu development already achieved by the ITTO PD425/06 Rev.1(I) project. The most current information and invention can be scrutinized technically and discussed in-depth by the workshop participants. The participants were also given a chance to tell their practical experiences in performing gaharu development in each of their own regions.

The conducting of workshop afforded the outputs that brought benefits to the decision makers sticking to the policies on gaharu production in Indonesia. In different views, other stakeholders such as forest-farmer group, privates, gaharu enterprisers, community self-sufficiency community have forwarded some valuable inputs to immediately arrange and compile the master plan about the management of gaharu production in national scale. The gaharu workshop also offered benefits by the establishment of gaharu-communication forum under the name called Indonesia’s Gaharu Forum (IGF) as the informal holding-place between the stakeholders who are interested in gaharu development.

In gaharu workshop, there were a lot of inputs put forward by the participants abiding by their own experience in gaharu development. These inputs become the items which can be very valuable to develop inoculation technology and all the related aspects in the future. Nevertheless, there were some participants whose opinions differed from or did not get along with the workshop theme, as they might have different understanding-views or since the reference they learnt so far was different from the gaharu development currently conducted by the FORDA (Forestry Research Development Agency).

Penulis : Pusat Litbang Konservasi dan Rehabilitasi

Download : Proceeding of Gaharu BIOINDUCTION TECHNOLOGY.pdf