21 Maret 2013 - 3250 klik
Selection Pathogens For Eaglewood (Gaharu) Inoculation

This technical report entitled “The Selection Pathogen for Eaglewood (Gaharu) Inoculation” consists of (1) Evaluating Basic Properties of Gaharu Stands; (2) Evaluating the Existing Inoculation Engineering Technique; (3) Developing a Better Technique from the Existing Inoculation Engineering Technique; (4) Characterizing and Evaluating Gaharu Product; (5) Visiting Study on the Experiment Gaharu Plantation and Inoculation Technology in Taiwan/Saudi Arabia. This report provides infornation which is quite essential regarding the best pathogen selection to be inoculated into the gaharu-yielding trees, whereby the gaharu is massively produced.

This output depicts the process in selecting gaharu-developing pathogen, and scrutinizes the analysis on chemical compounds in gaharu as developed. In addition, there were also reported the characters of gaharu products that resulted from induction. As the comparison, several researchers conducted a comparative study by visiting Taiwan, which was related to the gaharu-inoculation technology, as has been already developed there. Meanwhile, a visit to Saudi Arabia intended to look into the preference of Arab community to gaharu products resulting from induction, which was conducted in Indonesia.

After all, this technical report can expectedly bring benefits to the decision makers in gaharu development and to the field practitioners in Indonesia.

Penulis : Erdy Santoso, Pratiwi, Erry Purnomo, Ragil S.B. Irianto, Bambang Wiyono, Eka Novriyanti, Maman Turjaman

Download : TECHNICAL REPORT NO. 3.pdf