21 Maret 2013 - 2448 klik
Study on The Level of Genetic Diversity of Diospyros celebica, Eusideroxylon zwageri and Michelia spp. Using RAPD Markers

This Technical Report is result of Activity 1.2.1, “to observe the level of genetic diversity and vulnerability of selected species to determine the conservation strategy of the selected species”. The activity is part of ITTO Project PD 539/09 Rev.1 (F), “Promoting Conservation of Selected Tree Species Currently Threatened by Habitat Disturbance and Population Depletion”.

Sincere thanks and appreciation go to the Project Coordinator, Dr. Ir. Murniati, M.Si for support and invaluable advice. I would like also to express my gratitude thanks to all staff of ITTO Project PD 539/09 Rev.1 (F) for administration support.

Colleagues at Molecular Genetic Laboratory, Center for Forest Biotechnology and Tree Improvement Research, are gratefully thanks for their support on laboratory works.
Finally, we hope the result of this activity can support genetic conservation activities and strategy of the selected species in Indonesia.

Penulis : Anthonius YPBC Widyatmoko, ILG Nurtjahjaningsih dan Prastyono

Download : Study_on_level_of_genetic_diversity.pdf