28 Januari 2020 - 2191 klik
Anthology: Bioprospection of Medicinal Plants in Indonesia’s Tropical Forests

Research on forest medicinal plants is a national priority research program of the Ministry of Health. However, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry in this case FORDA as the responsible agency and research manager related to bioprospection of tropical forest biodiversity, also conducts research on medicinal plants in Indonesia’s tropical forests.

FORDA has various research programs by initiating the potential of medicinal plants from the forests in which many tree and understorey species have not been domesticated yet. Gradually, research on medicinal plants in the forests was carried out in 2015-2019 on several types of commodities, which were selected by working units under FORDA. Laboratory facilities and human resources are very limited, so each working unit only study 1-2 commodities. Several researchers at working units also collaborated with local universities in each province.

The main output of research on forest medicinal plants in upstream sector is mainly to provide science and technology information on distribution, ecology and growth sites of each forest medicinal species studied at each working unit. Other important basic information is about cultivation techniques of each tree species, preliminary information on phytopharmaca of each species. These are conducted when laboratory facilities for analysis are available. Basic information on forest medicinal plants science and technology also have been published in national and international journals.

Finally, the anthology of those scientific manuscripts remain has limitations. It is expected that this anthology can be useful for policy makers and other researchers who are interested in medicinal plants from Indonesia's tropical forests.

Penulis : Badan Litbang dan Inovasi KLHK

Download : Bunga_Rampai_Bioprospeksi_Tanaman_Obat_di_Hutan_Tropis_Indonesia.pdf