01 Februari 2020 - 1951 klik
An Anthology Book Geronggang: The Potential Local Species of “Lancang Kuning” Region

Recently, geronggang tree (Cratoxylon arborescens) has been popularly discussed. Geronggang is one of the native species of Indonesia's forest ecosystem that can grow well on peatlands. This species has much usability and is potential to be developed for industrial timber plantations and community forests. In response to the enthusiasm for this species, the Research and Development Center for Forest Plant Fiber Technology (BP2TSTH) Kuok published geronggang-related research findings in an anthology book entitled "Geronggang, the Potential Local Species of Lancang Kuning Region" at the end of 2019.

This book presents various aspects about geronggang. Readers are directed to understand everything about geronggang trees, from the characteristic of the wood, cultivation techniques, various uses, and the value of local people's interest and wisdom.

Penulis : Ahmad Junaedi, Danu, Avry Pribadi, Yeni Aprianis, Eka Novriyanti, Eko Sutrisno, Opik Taupik Akbar, Michael Daru, Enggar W, dan Hery Kurniawan

Download : Buku_Bunga_Rampai_Geronggang1.pdf