10 Februari 2020 - 1299 klik
Swara Samboja Magazine Vol VIII No 2, 2019

The biodiversity management of indigenous people in Borneo is carried out through customary law and social and cultural norms implementation. Tana Pera customary forest management is a community’s efforts to protect biodiversity in forest areas around Kampung Laham, Mahakam Hulu Regency, East Kalimantan Province. To support the management of Tana Pera customary forest, a study regarding flora, fauna and social aspects was carried out by Laham indigenous community in collaboration with research team from Research and Development Center for Natural Resource Conservation Technology (Balitek KSDA) and other supporting institutions. The results of the study were presented in the special edition of Swara Samboja Magazine with the title "Exploring Tana Pera Customary Forest".

Bina Swasta Sitepu began with a study of flora potential in which 2 new species was recorded in Tana Pera customary forest, which never  been found before in Mahakam Hulu area, namely Etlingera pyramidosphaera and Merrillia caloxylon. The result of this study was written in an article with the title "Structure and Vegetation of Tana Pera Customary Forest".

Furthermore, Mukhlisi shared  research results on Bats (Chiroptera) species and their roles in Tana Pera Customary Forest in an article titled "Chiroptera exploration in Ujung Tana Pera".

Based on herpetofauna survey conducted around Tana Pera Customary Forest, 41 species of herpetofauna from 2 (two) classes, namely Amphibians and Reptiles, were identified. What species are found? More detailed information can be read in an article titled "The Species Richness of Herpetofauna in Tana Pera Laham, from A to Z" written by Teguh Muslim.

Not only flora fauna potential in forest area, Tri Sayektiningsih also discussed why Laham village community established Tana Pera Customary Forest in an article "Tana Pera: Laham Community's Awareness to Protect their Surrounding Forests". In this article, Tri described social conditions of the community, Laham community perception of Tana Pera and its surrounding forests, and what lessons can be drawn from Laham community efforts in Tana Pera Customary Forest establishment.

In the article rubric, Chandra Boer wrote his ideas about the development of a Hunting Park in East Kalimantan in an article titled "A concept of Developing a Hunting Park in East Kalimantan". Not only about natural resource management concept, especially animals, but also economic opportunities for community.

In this edition, Swara Samboja featured an inspirational figure, Dr. Ir. Agus Justianto, M.Sc, the DG of FORDA. He shared experiences about his efforts to bring FORDA to take part in global forums.

Dear readers, happy reading and warm greetings.

Penulis : Balitek KSDA

Download : Swara_Samboja_Vol_VIII_No_2_Th_2019.pdf