17 Februari 2020 - 944 klik
BEKANTAN - Kalimantan Forestry News - Volume 7 No. 1 of 2019

Year-end edition of BEKANTAN (Kalimantan Forestry News) Volume 7 No. 1 of 2019 brought theme "The Environment Around Us". This theme is deliberately raised to remind all of us that human concern for environmental sustainability is essential.

In Landscape column of this edition, BEKANTAN examined the concern and involvement of community in Banjarbaru City on the environment sustainability through plastic bag use reduction, green open spaces development in residential and office areas, promotion of Adiwiyata Program (green school) at Elementary School level and other programs.

BEKANTAN also promotes the use of Riam Kiwa research forest (KHDTK Riam Kiwa). Not only being a place for research and development activities, KHDTK Riam Kiwa can also be used for edutainment, camping ground, scientific tourism, and touring. The review of these activities can also be seen in landscape column.

An environmental activist from Banjarbaru, Daryono has been involved in waste management in the past several years. Together with his team, one of the staff in Barito BPDASHL created a community named Green and Clean (GnC). Daryono goes around neighbourhoods to clean up trash every Saturday morning. Daryono's actions with the Green and Clean (GnC) team can be seen in Profile column.

Well-known as thousands rivers city, Fokus column presented an overview of the importance of rivers to the people of South Kalimantan. This review provided information regarding several programs that have been launched by the local government such as the elimination of floating latrines and Kemuning River revitalization program in Banjarbaru City. This column also reviewed river water quality in South Kalimantan in relation to the achievement of South Kalimantan's Environmental Quality Index (IKLH). Plastic waste control movement that has become a current trend is also a focus of editorial choices.

Article column also presented various interesting reviews, such as native fruit species of South Kalimantan, bird species around urban forest around the Research and Development Center for Environment and Forestry (BP2LHK) Banjarbaru office, Go-ARK or Reptile Amphibian Observation Community  in Kalimantan, and promote the use of  eco-friendy seedling containers that are  not made from plastic. These issues are expected to improve our insights about  environmental protection activities.

Amalia Rezeki, a lecturer in biology education at Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM), also wrote in this BEKANTAN edition regarding her  Finland and Estonia visits. In mid-2019, Amalia Rezeki had the opportunity to deliver presentations about conservation of proboscis monkeys and sustainable tourism development in South Kalimantan. The full review can be seen in the Special column.

This BEKANTAN edition also contained information about various activities in BP2LHK Banjarbaru along with several news occured throughout the end of the year, including the inauguration of Sambar Edupark Deer in BP2LHK Banjarbaru by the Mayor of Banjarbaru; surge of visitors at Edupark BP2LHK Banjarbaru; appearance on TVRI Kalteng, BP2LHK Banjarbaru invited people to implement peatlands management without burning; and how Prof. Ris. Acep Akbar takes part in South Kalimantan. Last but not least, we wish you enjoy Bekantan Year-End Edition.***

Penulis : Balai Litbang LHK Banjarbaru

Download : Majalah_BEKANTAN_Vol__7_No__1_Desember_20191.pdf