14 April 2020 - 872 klik
Introducing Lembonah Forest and Its Surrounding Environment

Environmental education is highly important for school children because it teaches students to be aware of the environment sustainability. This is essential for the future of this nation to create a new generation that pays attention to environmental aspects to support sustainable development concept. Early on, we have to emphasize to students that healthy environment plays an important role in human life.

Lembonah Forest which is located in West Kutai Regency, East Kalimantan Province, is home to various wild plants and animals. Covering an area of ??340 ha, Lembonah Forest is a HCVF (High Conservation Value Forest) area in the middle of palm oil plantation owned by PT. Borneo Surya Mining Jaya.

Based on the survey that has been conducted in the area, at least 192 species of plants, 67 species of birds and 28 species of mammals were found (Atmoko et al., 2016). Some of these species are currently threaten to extinct, so these species are protected both nationally and internationally.

Lembonah Forest provides benefits for helping school students in environmental education. This place can be used to practice as well as provide an illustration to students about the importance of forests in protecting the environment. In addition, students can also learn how Lembonah Forest plays an important role for biodiversity conservation while providing invaluable benefits for humans. This forest area is also a place where wildlife and rare plants live as well as supply oxygen to humans.

This book was collaboratively written by Balitek KSDA and PT. PT. Borneo Surya Mining Jaya. Intended as an Environmental Education Module for junior/senior school students, this book will help students understanding the role of Lembonah Forest for its surrounding environment. Students will be explained and understand that protecting the forest is very important to support environmental sustainability.

This material is prepared to be delivered to students for one semester. It is expected that students will understand the benefits of Lembonah Forest for the balance of natural ecosystems and sustainable environmental management.

Penulis : Ardiyanto Wahyu Nugroho, Ulfah Karmila Sari, Tri Sayektiningsih, & Mukhlisi

Download : Buku_Mengenal_Hutan_Lembonah_dan_Lingkungan_Sekitarnya.pdf