02 Juni 2020 - 1440 klik
Jernang Rattan Cultivation

Jernang rattan (Daemonorops spp.) has become a major investment choice for Sumatran people. Jernang rattan has various benefits such as raw materials for the drug industry, cosmetics industry, dyes and herbal medicines. Community’s high interest in planting jernang rattan is starting to emerge because of the scarcity of jernang rattan in natural forests, high prices of jernang resin and increasing awareness on its environmental benefits.

However, jernang rattan planting by the community has not been supported by proper knowledge on cultivation techniques. In general, planting is still carried out in a limited scale using simple planting techniques and maintenance that lead to low productivity. Increasing jernang rattan productivity can be done by applying intensive silviculture, starting from seed supply, planting and maintenance including identification of pests and diseases to harvesting.

This book was written as an answer to jernang rattan farmers’ needs in the field in understanding jernang rattan cultivation techniques ranging from nurseries, planting, maintenance to jernang rattan harvesting. Through this book, it is expected that jernang rattan farmers can increase the productivity of jernang rattan.


Further information:



Jalan Colonel H. Burlian Km. 6.5 Punti Kayu Palembang

Phone / Fax: (0711) 414864

Email: balithut.palembang@gmail.com or litbanglhk_palembang@menlhk.go.id


Penulis : Sahwalita & Nanang Herdiana

Download : Budidaya_Rotan_Jernang_-_BP2LHK_Palembang.pdf