01 September 2020 - 01 September 2020
ICFP 2020: 12th International Symposium of IWoRs

ICFP 2020: 12th International Symposium of IWoRs
Theme: "Forest Products Processing Innovations for Communities and Sustainable Forest and Environment Management"

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Agus Justianto, Director General of FORDA

1. Prof. Kenji Umemura (Kyoto University)
2. Prof. Nam-Hun Kim (Kangwon National University)
3. Jamaludin Malik, Ph.D (Forest Products Research and Development Center)

Sub Themes:
1. Forest Products Timber and non Timber
2. Biomass Conversion and Renewable Energy
3. Biocomposite and Forest Product Nano Technology
4. Wood Engineering
5. Policy and Sustainable Forest Management

Date and Time:
September 1, 2020
08.00-12.30 pm

Free for Participants

For Presenters and IOP Publications IDR 1.500.000 (USD 106)

Important Dates:
June 15-July 22, 2020 : Registration
June 15-July 22, 2020 : Subsmission of papers
July 23, 2020 : Announcement of papers received
August 8-14, 2020 : Revise of papers
August 23-28, 2020 : Revise of papers and preparation of powerpoint presentations
August 29-30, 2020 : Submission of final papers and powerpoint presentations

Registration and for more detail information http:conference.forpro.org

Contact Person:
1. Aryani, M.Si. (0813 1062 0140)
2. Deden Nurhayadi, S.Hut. (0852 2117 1403)