Dientry oleh budi - 11 July, 2011 - 1977 klik

The objective of the Readiness Preparation Activities is to contribute to the development of the Recipient’s capacity to design a sound national REDD+ strategy, develop national and sub-national reference scenarios, and establish a forest monitoring and carbon accounting system, all consistent with local, regional and national conditions and circumstances.

The FCPF grant will finance a subset of the overall financial and technical inputs required for Indonesia to reach REDD readiness. The FCPF activities will be executed partly by the GoI/MOFR ($3,196,428) and partly by the World Bank ($403,572).

The Readiness Preparation Activities are as follows:
(a) Analytical Activities
(i) Carrying out of an analysis of drivers of deforestation.
(ii) Carrying out of a screening of options for priority investments to reduce deforestation and forest degradation.
(iii) Identification of activities resulting in reduction of green house gas (GHG) emissions and increase in removals and stabilization of forest carbon stocks.
(iv) Carrying out of a rapid situational analysis of REDD+ policies in Indonesia.

(b) Support to Readiness Process
(i)  Carrying out of a rapid assessment of the institutional and legal framework for REDD+ implementation.
(ii) Capacity building of institutions and stakeholders involved in the implementation of REDD+ activities, including training of trainers in relation to carbon                     accounting and monitoring at national and sub-national levels.
(iii) Carrying out of a rapid assessment of the REDD+ revenue-sharing process.
(iv) Consultation and outreach.
(v) Management of data, lessons, and funding partner coordination, including periodic review of REDD+ demonstration or pilot activities.
(vi) Carrying out of an assessment of potential strategic environmental and social impacts that may ensue from future REDD+ activities or projects, including policy         reforms (“Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment”), and including development of a framework for managing and mitigating the environmental and             social risks related to investments and carbon finance transactions in the context of the future implementation of REDD+, including (A) guidelines and                     procedures for the carrying out of consultations with potentially affected indigenous peoples and forest-dependent communities, the conservation of natural             habitats, and the carrying out of environmental and social assessments, (B) a resettlement policy framework, (C) an indigenous peoples’ planning framework,         (D) a pest management framework, (E) a physical cultural resources management framework, and (F) guidelines and procedures for the development of                 environmental and social management plans, resettlement action plans, indigenous peoples’ development plans, pest management plans, and physical                 cultural resources management plans (“Environment and Social Management Framework”).

(c) Reference Emissions Levels and Measurement, Reporting, and Verification
(i) Carrying out of an analysis and possible mapping of the nature and effect of land use on terrestrial carbon cycles.
(ii) Development of a time-series analysis of the primary economic, social, and policy aspects of land use change.
(iii) Establishment of permanent sample plots for ground-based forest carbon monitoring.

(d) Regional Data Collection and Capacity Building
     Provision of support to REDD+ readiness preparation at sub-national level, including capacity building in selected areas and development of socioeconomic and        biophysical studies to support baseline work.

Note :
The Bank documents such as PID, ISDS, Assessment Note and GA need to be disclosed to the public. These documents provide an explanation the process safeguards that will be done by the recipient (in this case FORDA). The public can participate in the process safeguards that will be part of the FCPF activities process. The document disclosure is considered important because in the process of signing of the grant, the NGO's has sent several letters of the importance of the involvement of NGOs in a transparent consultation process. Document signed by the World Bank dated May 27, 2011 and by the Ministry of Finance dated June 10, 2011. Project Implementation Period: 2011 - 2013

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