• Strategi Media Sosial BP2TSTH dalam Penyebaran Informasi Litbang – Read More
  • FORDA Survey – Read More
  • Laporan Kinerja BLI Tahun 2017 (informasi pelaksanaan kegiatan di BLI) – Read More
  • Berbagai Potensi dan Peluang Penelitian bagi Mahasiswa di BP2LHK Aek Nauli – Read More
  • Mengubah Limbah Kayu Hutan Rawa Gambut Bekas Kebakaran Menjadi Arang Kompos dan Cuka Kayu – Read More
  • PUI 2018, Balitek DAS akan Bersinergi dengan B2P2BPTH Yogyakarta – Read More

R & D News


Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 19 September 2018 924 klik
As One of Its Contributor, BP2LHK Makassar is Proud To Have Xylarium Indonesia as World’s First

BP2LHK Makassar (Makassar, September 2018). From the press conference held by Center for R&D of Forest Products (P3HH) at Gunung Batu, Bogor, last Tuesday (18/9/2018), it is informed that currently Xylarium Bogoriense, the Indonesian xylarium, has ranked world’s first. Surely, this it makes the Minister of Environment and Forestry, especially the R&D and Innovation Body (BLI), proud.

Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 19 September 2018 1232 klik
BP2LHK Banjarbaru is Conducting Hepterofauna Inventory on Peat Swamp

BP2LHK Banjarbaru (Banjarbaru, September 2018). Forest Area for Special Purpose (KHDTK) Tumbang Nusa, which is becoming the tropical peatland silviculture study center, is a habitat for numerous creatures, including several species of herpetofauna.

Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 18 September 2018 1367 klik
Visited BP2LHK Makassar, Head of Matalawa National Parks Checks Out the Micro-hydro Making Process for East Sumba District

BP2LHK Makassar (Makassar, September 2018). Related to the plan of development of Micro-hydro Electrical Generating Plan (PLTMH) at Wanggameti and Mahaniwa Villages, East Sumba District, Head of Manupeu Tanah Daru and Laiwangi Wanggameti National Parks visited the R&D Center for Environment and Forestry Makassar, last Friday (7/9/2018) to see the process of making the micro-hydro equipment at BP2LHK Makassar’s workshop.

Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 18 September 2018 988 klik
BP2LHK Makassar’s Innovations: Integrated Waste Management and Biomass Stove Technologies Attract Relevant Institutions

BP2HLK Makassar (Makassar, September 2018). While visited the R&D Center for Environment and Forestry (BP2LHK) Makassar, last Friday (7/9/2018) Head of Manupeu Tanah Daru and Laiwangi Wanggameti National Parks (TN Matalawa) and Environment Agency (LH) staffer from Banggai Laut District, Central Sulawesi, are interested with the innovations there, especially on the integrated waste management and biomass stove technologies.

Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 17 September 2018 905 klik
BP2LHK Aek Nauli Becomes Resource Person in Incense Nursery Training in North Tapanuli

BP2LHK Aek Nauli (Tapanuli Utara, September 2018). To realize one of the missions of North Tapanuli District Government, “Village as the Center of Development Accelleration”, the Inter-Village Cooperation Agency of Pangaribuan Sub-district, North Tapanuli District, hosted Incense Nursery and Cultivation. Representative from R&D Center for Environment and Forestry Aek Nauli invited to the event as resource persons.

Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 17 September 2018 648 klik
Knowledge Management, New Strategy on ACIAR – Indonesia Partnership to Optimize Research on Land Fire and Peat Restoration

P3SEKPI (Bogor, September 2018). Research partnership among Indonesia and Australia through Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) has been going for some time. All this time, ACIAR prioritized research as the main foundation for policy to support economic growth in agriculture, fishery, and forestry sector.

Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 14 September 2018 712 klik
Utilization of Locall-wisdom Based Pranajiwa Plant is Presented on IUFRO International Seminar in Taiwan

Balitek HHBK (Mataram, September 2018). Pranajiwa as medicinal herbs has been known to many but its local-wisdom based benefits is not receiving too many attentions. This encourage researcher of Balitek HHBK, Rubangi Al Hasan, to conduct research on Pranajiwa utilization by the community. His research is later presented in The International Symposium of SFEM/IUFRO 4.02.02 di Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan.

Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 14 September 2018 853 klik
Seeking Information on DAS Management Technology, General Soedirman University Students visited Balitek DAS

Balitek DAS (Solo, September 2018). Land Resources Management (PSL) Diploma Students, Faculty of Agriculture, General Soedirman University (Unsoed) visited the R&D Center for Watershed Management (Balitek DAS) in Solo, last Monday (10/9/2018). One of the lecturers and the team leader, Drs. Prasmadji Sulistyanto, M.Si., said that this visit aims to seek information on watershed management to improve his students’ knowledge and insight.

Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 13 September 2018 2100 klik
Pirdot Tea: Sugar Lowering, Anti-Oxidant Tea

BP2LHK Aek Nauli (Aek Nauli, September 2018)_R&D Center for Environment and Forestry (BP2LHK) Aek Nauli has been developing Pirdot Tea as one of the simplisa (dry herbal) for the medicine industry. “We haven’t marketed the pirdot tea as there are some laboratory tests still to be done to comply with health standards.

Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 13 September 2018 926 klik
With Forensic DNA, B2P2BPTH Supports Law Enforcement Efforts for Forest Crimes

B2P2BPTH (Yogyakarta,September 2018). Office of R&D for Biotech and Forest Plants Breeding (B2P2BPTH) supports law enforcement efforts agains illegal trade of protected fauna and flora in Indonesia. One of them is through training of collecting and handling evidences for DNS forensic testing for relevant field officers.

Research, Development and Innovation Agency

Ministry of Environment and Forestry