Posted by Admin Inovasi Forda - 2019-11-18 13:47:01

B63. Agroforestry Model for Land Conflict Resolution

Agroforestry system which focuses on conflict resolution was formed to overcome land conflict. Conflict analysis includes studying on land history and its use, investigating actors in the conflict and their need, observing conflict dynamic, hosting discussion for solution and formulating land use pattern. Step by step process is carried out thoroughly to formulate agroforestry pattern which is useful and acceptable to all stakeholders, especially land use pattern.


Agroforestry model becomes one solution to overcome land use conflict, then community could play an important role in forest utilization, protecting forest area and forest surrounding community welfare improvement.

Innovation Excellence

  • Agroforestry model involves all actors who are involved in the conflict.
  • Agroforestry model provides opportunity for community to use government owned land.
  • Capacity building of forest surrounding community to improve livelihood and to protect sustainable forest

Potential Application

Agroforestry model is implemented in the forest area with land use conflict.

Inovator (Innovators)

Nama : Tri Sulistyati Widyaningsih, Budiman Achmad, Eva Fauziyah, Suyarno,
dan Budi Utomo
Unit Kerja : BP2TA Ciamis
Alamat : Jalan Raya Ciheuleut, Bogor 16001,
Telepon (0251) 8327768, 8380065,
Faks. (0251) 8327768
E-mail :
Status KI : sedang dalam proses KI