Posted by Admin Inovasi Forda - 2019-11-20 11:42:41

B71.Ecotourism Mangrove Plus Bekantan

Innovation of ecotourism model of bekantan in its natural habitat which is a community owned land was created to take two interests in synergy and harmony to give the benefit of both parties. In general, Bekantan conservation needs to involve several disciplines, especially social and technical sciences. Social science is used for community approaches, while technical science is used for habitat rehabilitation activities.


Sungai Hitam is one of the important habitat of bekantan but experiencing degradation due to social conflict that threatens the existence of these animals. Legally, the status of the area in the Sungai Hitam belongs to the community and therefore requires a separate approach in the effort to conserve the bekantan in this area.

Innovation Excellence

  • Ecotourism with forest and wildlife objects is becoming a worldwide trend
  • The community already has the social and cultural capital to develop the bekantan ecotourism.
  • Synergy with government programs and sustainable regional development.

Potential Application

This innovation is potentially applied to conserve wildlife outside the conservation area.

Inovator (Innovators)

Nama : Tri Atmoko, Ardiyanto Nugroho, e dan Syamsu E. Rinaldi
Unit Kerja : BP2TKSDA Samboja
Alamat : Jalan Soekarno Hatta Km.38,
Desa Sei Merdeka, Kecamatan Samboja,
Sungai Merdeka, Semboja, Kabupaten Kutai
Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timur 75271
Telepon/Faks (0542) 7217665
E-mail :
Status KI : Dalam proses hak cipta