Posted by Admin Inovasi Forda - 2019-11-20 10:50:32

B64. Agroforestry in Bamboo Forest: Healthy Bamboo, Happy Community

Agroforestry model in bamboo forest using bamboo and seasonal plants was invented to enhance communitiy’s welfare. In the bamboo agroforestry model, bamboo plants (betung, hita, ampel) becomes the main plant, while seasonal plants (corn, peanut, buluh potatoes, shovel, jengkol and petai bean) as filler plants. Agroforestry of bamboo forest model is implemented by controlling silviculture technique such as controlling wide inter-plantdistance (10 x 10 m) and controlling bamboo stems in one group by utilizing bamboo shoots.


Agroforestry in bamboo forest is a model of bamboo plantation’s empowerment as the main plant and seasonal plant as filler plants. Well maintained bamboo plant improves bamboo stem quality and seasonal plant enhances farmer’s livelihood.

Innovation Excellence

  • Bamboo stem quality is improved.
  • Bamboo plantation supports land restoration and rehabilitation program.
  • Commodity from seasonal plant improves farmer’s livelihood.

Potential Application

Bamboo agroforestry model can be implemented in the area where bamboo could grow.

Inovator (Innovators)

Nama : Eva Fauziyah, Aditya Hani, Tri Sulistyati Widyaningsih, Devy Priambodo Kuswantoro, dan Nana Sutrisna
Unit Kerja : BP2TA Ciamis
Alamat : Jalan Raya Ciheuleut, Bogor 16001,
Telepon (0251) 8327768, 8380065, Faks. (0251) 8327768
E-mail :
Status KI : -