Posted by Admin Inovasi Forda - 2019-11-20 11:11:12

B66. Bio-rights Incentive Scheme for Participatory Mangrove Conservation

Bio-rights incentive scheme which is implemented through funding mechanisms (microcredit) is a strategy to combine efforts for improving economic benefits of mangrove resources with attempts for preventing counterproductive actions to the environment through conservation activities. The scheme is implemented through three main stages: (1) Allocation of loan funds (microcredit) to the community to develop sustainable income-generating activities; (2) The refund of the loan, not in the form of cash, but in the form of environmental conservation services such as reforestation, habitat protection and sustainable land use; (3) If the activities related to environmental conservation are successful, the loan funds will be converted into grants to be rolled out for sustainable development.


Mangrove damage is mainly caused by conversion to fish ponds and other land uses occurring in many parts of Indonesia. Various efforts have been done to overcome those problems through both preventive and curative activities, but so far its achievement is still low. Therefore, in mangrove management, a rational approach is needed that could accommodate both economic and ecological interests in harmony through direct community involvement.

Innovation Excellence

  • It involves local community actively in mangrove conservation efforts.
  • It accommodates ecological interests with economic needs as an alternative solution to the complexity of natural resource management.
  • It increases land productivity while encouraging the development of mangrove-based business alternatives.

Potential Application

This innovation could be implemented in various Social Forestry programs (HKm, HD, HTR, Kemitraan) which are currently being widely developed by prioritizing community participation with the support of relevant stakeholders.

Inovator (Innovator)

Nama : Sri Suharti
Unit Kerja : Puslitbang Hutan
Alamat : Jalan Gunung Batu No.5 , Bogor 16610, Telepon (0251) 8633234, 7520067,
Faks. (0251) 8638111
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