• Strategi Media Sosial BP2TSTH dalam Penyebaran Informasi Litbang – Read More
  • FORDA Survey – Read More
  • Laporan Kinerja BLI Tahun 2017 (informasi pelaksanaan kegiatan di BLI) – Read More
  • Berbagai Potensi dan Peluang Penelitian bagi Mahasiswa di BP2LHK Aek Nauli – Read More
  • Mengubah Limbah Kayu Hutan Rawa Gambut Bekas Kebakaran Menjadi Arang Kompos dan Cuka Kayu – Read More
  • PUI 2018, Balitek DAS akan Bersinergi dengan B2P2BPTH Yogyakarta – Read More

Arsip Berita Tahun 2021

Berita Litbang

20 Januari 2021
Swara Samboja: Ulin Conservation, Biomass Potential, Ornamental Plants, and Successful Waste Management in a Number of Countries in the World

Ulin (Eusideroxylon zwageri Teijsm. & Binn) is a native species of Indonesian tropical forest flora, which is spread over Eastern and Southern Sumatra, Bangka Belitung and almost all regions of Kalimantan. Because of its strength, ironwood has always been the most popular wood compared to other wood species in term of various construction purposes on land and in water. How the ulin conservation efforts carried out in Indonesia will be reviewed by Mira Kumala Ningsih et al. In her article entitle

Berita Litbang

19 Januari 2021
Potential Utilization of Ultraviolet-C to Maintain Moringa Tea Quality

Moringa (Moringa oleifera L.) is a non-timber forest product with various benefits that are good for health. Some of the benefits of Moringa leaves are anti-stress, lower blood sugar, reduce inflammation, lower cholesterol, and rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants are chemical compounds that help the body to fight and reduce the negative effects of free radicals. As a result, body cells damage can be prevented.

Berita Kehutanan

19 Januari 2021
KLHK: Banjir Kalsel Terutama Karena Anomali Cuaca, Bukan Soal Luas Hutan

Nomor: SP. 007/HUMAS/PP/HMS.3/01/2021 Direktur Jenderal Pengendalian Pencemaran dan Kerusakan Lingkungan (PPKL) Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (LHK), MR Karliansyah menegaskan, banjir yang terjadi di Kalimantan Selatan disebabkan oleh anomali cuaca dan bukan soal luas hutan di DAS Barito wilayah Kalsel. DAS Barito Kalsel seluas 1,8 juta hektar hanya merupakan sebagian dari DAS Barito Kalimantan seluas 6,2 juta hektar. DAS Barito Kalsel secara kewilayahan hanya mencakup 39,3% Perse

Berita Litbang

18 Januari 2021
Together with Other FORDA Work Units, Balitek KSDA Signs 2021 Work Performance Agreement

Simultaneously with all the heads of work units under FORDA, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (LHK), Friday (15/1/2021) Head of Research and Development Center for Natural Resources Conservation Technology (Balitek KSDA), Dr. Ishak Yassir signed 2021 Work Performance Agreement. This signing ceremony was carried out to support the achievement of five targets of FORDA that was previously signed by the Director of FORDA in front of the Minister of Environment and Forestry, on Monday (23/1/2

Siaran Pers

18 Januari 2021
Penyidik KLHK Serahkan Tersangka Perdagangan Kayu Ilegal Asal Ambon ke Kejari Sikka

Nomor: SP. 006/HUMAS/PP/HMS.3/01/2021 Penyidik Balai Penegakan Hukum (Gakkum) KLHK Wilayah Jawa Bali Nusa Tenggara (Jabalnusra) menyerahkan tersangka perdagangan kayu ilegal asal Seram, Ambon, Maluku berinisial JT (45) beserta barang bukti kepada Kejaksaan Negeri (Kejari) Sikka, di Ambon, Maluku, Kamis (14/1). Tersangka merupakan Direktur CV Astria Arifa.

Berita Litbang

16 Januari 2021
Director of FORDA: Give your Best Contribution Amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic

During the signing of FORDA Work Performance Agreement on Friday (15/1), Dr. Agus Justianto, Director of FORDA hopes that all staff members keep strong and healthy to be able to do their job during the Covid-19 pandemic. " Hopefully we can all give our best contribution to the institution that we love," said the number one person at FORDA, in a virtual event attended by all Heads of Work Units under FORDA.

Berita Litbang

15 Januari 2021
BP2TSTH – CSR PLN Riau Community Based Partnership Proposal Enters Technical Discussion Phase

Concerning the community, especially those affected by the Extra High Voltage Airway (SUTET), the Research and Development Center for Forest Plant Fiber (BP2TSTH) submitted a community-based partnership proposal to the State Electricity Company (PLN). To discuss technical aspects, BP2TSTH Team explained the proposal details to Riau Region PLN Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Team who visited BP2TSTH office in Kuok, Thursday (14/1/2021).

Berita Litbang

14 Januari 2021
Pekanbaru Honey Entrepreneurs Interested in Using BP2TSTH Kuok Honey Test Kit

Dustam and Wirna, honey entrepreneurs from Pekanbaru, were interested in using honey test kit invented by the Research and Development Center for Forest Plant Fiber (BP2TSTH) Kuok. They expressed this interest after hearing the explanation from Opik Taupik Akbar, S.Hut, BP2TSTH researcher, when they visited BP2TSTH Kuok office, Tuesday (12/1/2021).

Siaran Pers

13 Januari 2021
Pekan Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia – Jepang 2021 Resmi Dibuka

Nomor: SP. 005/HUMAS/PP/HMS.3/01/2021 Dialog Kebijakan Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia – Jepang yang ketiga, dilaksanakan secara virtual pada 13 Januari 2021, di tengah status darurat COVID-19 di kedua negara tersebut. Dialog Kebijakan ini juga menandai dimulainya Pekan Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia – Jepang 2021 (IJEW 2021) secara resmi. Dialog Kebijakan dan IJEW 2021, diselenggarakan secara daring oleh Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup Jepang (MoEJ).

Berita Litbang

13 Januari 2021
Natural Wood Potential as New Pulp Materials

Indonesia is famous for its biodiversity and is one of the mega biodiversity countries in the world. This potential includes land and water resources from Sabang to Merauke. Sumatra island is an area with high potential natural resources in forestry sector. The Central Bureau of Statistics (2020) mention that forest land cover of Sumatra is around ​​13,547,700 hectares. Not to mention the forest status, this is valuable resources that should be used sustainably.

Research, Development and Innovation Agency

Ministry of Environment and Forestry