• Strategi Media Sosial BP2TSTH dalam Penyebaran Informasi Litbang – Read More
  • FORDA Survey – Read More
  • Laporan Kinerja BLI Tahun 2017 (informasi pelaksanaan kegiatan di BLI) – Read More
  • Berbagai Potensi dan Peluang Penelitian bagi Mahasiswa di BP2LHK Aek Nauli – Read More
  • Mengubah Limbah Kayu Hutan Rawa Gambut Bekas Kebakaran Menjadi Arang Kompos dan Cuka Kayu – Read More
  • PUI 2018, Balitek DAS akan Bersinergi dengan B2P2BPTH Yogyakarta – Read More



Posted by Dyah Puspasari - 27 Juni 2020 2176 klik
Ecotourism, Middle Path of Mangrove Ecosystem Conservation

[FORDA] _"Ecotourism is different from natural tourism in general. This activity adopts the concept of biodiversity conservation, environmental and cultural education as well as economic empowerment both locally and nationally," explained Dr. Endang Karlina, natural resources conservation researcher at the Center for Forest Research and Development, FORDA.

Posted by Dyah Puspasari - 18 Juni 2020 1159 klik
New Phase Towards ERPA Formal Negotiation Process

[FORDA] In July 2020, Indonesia will enter a new phase towards formal negotiation process of ERPA (Emission Reduction Payment Agreement). This is the main agenda after the Indonesian Government's Benefit Sharing Plan (BSP) document was approved and deemed appropriate as an advanced draft by FCPF (Forest Carbon Partnership Facility) assessment team from FMT (FCPF Management Team) and CFPs (Carbon Fund Participants) on Thursday 11 June 2020. The formal negotiation is a prerequisite for ERPA signin

Posted by Dyah Puspasari - 26 Mei 2020 1549 klik
Halalbihalal "The New Normal" of FORDA, to Strengthen Bonds of Comradeship in the Pandemic Era

[FORDA] the Eid al-Fitr 1441 H celebrations look and feel very different this year. The rituals and traditions that usually involve the moment of greeting, hugging and shaking hand as a symbol of forgiving one another must now be curtailed, and as WHO’s advice should be replaced by virtual alternatives due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation. Facing the situation, FORDA held virtual halalbihalal "the new normal" led by Dr. Agus Justianto, the DG of FORDA (26/5) in order to strengthen bonds of com

Posted by Dyah Puspasari - 17 Mei 2020 3683 klik
Longevity FORDA, Ready to Embrace the “New Normal”

[FORDA]_May 2020, Research, Development and Innovation Agency (FORDA) celebrates its 107th birthday. Entering the second century of FORDA’s role in shaping environmental and forestry development, particularly in the Covid-19 pandemic era, Dr. Agus Justianto, The DG of FORDA conveys, “Longevity FORDA, gets ready to embrace the “New Normal”.

Posted by Dyah Puspasari - 05 Mei 2020 1121 klik
The Solidarity of FORDA Employees amid the Pandemic

[FORDA] _ Enthusiasm of solidarity actions to fight against the Covid-19 pandemic all over the country is heartening. Various initiatives continue to emerge from various community groups and institutions as a form of social care, contribution, and hope that this pandemic will soon end. The solidarity action of FORDA employees is one of them.

Posted by Dyah Puspasari - 05 April 2020 1822 klik
Measuring Local Production of Natural Alcohol in Indonesia's Tropical Forests

[BLI] _Discussion about ethanol is re-soaring, as an ingredient inactivating a virus. Amid the high demand for ethanol (ethyl alcohol) as one of the ingredients for making disinfectants and antiseptics to prevent the spread of coronavirus disease (Covid-19), the presence of bioethanol provides an alternative.

Posted by Dyah Puspasari - 11 Maret 2020 1836 klik
Reforming Science, Developing Environmental and Forestry Standardization

A note from the DG of FORDA, MoEF “Fast is fine, but accuracy is everything” (Albert Einstein)

Posted by Dyah Puspasari - 20 Februari 2020 1615 klik
Develop New Collaboration with the Parliament

[FORDA] _Realizing the concrete role of science, technology and innovations in the real field, Commission 4 of the Parliament voices strong urge to synergize legislative agendas with innovations in environment and forestry development. It arose in the working meeting between Commission 4 of the Parliament and the Minister for Environment and Forestry in Jakarta (19/2).

Posted by Dyah Puspasari - 18 Februari 2020 2883 klik
Indexed by Scopus, IJFR Gets Higher Reputation

[FORDA] _Indonesian Journal of Forestry Research (IJFR), a scientific journal managed by FORDA, MoEF, has been officially indexed by Scopus since 4th February 2020. This brings IJFR position to be a globally indexed scientific journal with high reputation, improving the previous position as an international scientific journal accredited by Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI) in 2017.

Posted by Risda Hutagalung - 03 Februari 2020 1609 klik
Deputy Minister of Environment and Forestry: Through Arboretum and Dipterocarp Science, Center for Research and Development of Dipterocarp Forest Ecosystem (B2P2EHD) Can Strategically Supports Forest City Concept in Indonesia’s New Capital Development

B2P2EHD _With abundance experience in establishing arboretum with various dipterocarp species and other endemic species from Kalimantan, supported by scientific knowledge on dipterocarp forest conservation, silviculture, tree improvement, and forest restoration, B2P2EHD has strategic role in supporting the development of Indonesia’s new capital with forest city and smart city concepts, according to Deputy Minister of Environment and Forestry, Aloe Dohong.

Research, Development and Innovation Agency

Ministry of Environment and Forestry