• Strategi Media Sosial BP2TSTH dalam Penyebaran Informasi Litbang – Read More
  • FORDA Survey – Read More
  • Laporan Kinerja BLI Tahun 2017 (informasi pelaksanaan kegiatan di BLI) – Read More
  • Berbagai Potensi dan Peluang Penelitian bagi Mahasiswa di BP2LHK Aek Nauli – Read More
  • Mengubah Limbah Kayu Hutan Rawa Gambut Bekas Kebakaran Menjadi Arang Kompos dan Cuka Kayu – Read More
  • PUI 2018, Balitek DAS akan Bersinergi dengan B2P2BPTH Yogyakarta – Read More

R & D News


Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 22 Mei 2018 1125 klik
Planning to Build An Arboretum, USDF Held a Study Visit to BP2LHK Aek Nauli

BP2LHK Aek Nauli (Aek Nauli, 21/5/2018). In the occasion of a field study, the Farming and Forestry Division of Ultra Sumatera Dairy Farm (USDF) visited the R&D Center for Environment and Forestry (BP2LHK) Aek Nauli, last Monday (14/5/2018). This field study was conducted in relation to the arboretum that is going to be build by USDF. Led by Hermansyah Harahap, the visit was received by BP2LHK Aek Nauli Head, Pratiara and Administration Sub-section Head, DIK Section Head, Ismed Syahbani, and a r

Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 21 Mei 2018 691 klik
BP2TSTH and ITTO Held Planting Ceremony for Andalas, Native Species of West Sumatera at Kelok Sembilan

BP2TSTH (Kelok Sembilan, 17/5/2018). R&D Center for Forest Plantation Fiber Technology (BP2TSTH) and ITTO (International Tropical Timber Organization) held Planting Ceremony for Andalas at Kelok Sembilan, Lima Puluh Kota District, West Sumatera, last Monday (May 14, 2018). As many as 58 Andalas seed, native species of West Sumatera, were planted in this occasion. The event was a follow-up to the workshop themed “Strengthening the Awareness on Law Enforcement for Rare Plants Exploitatiion” held a

Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 21 Mei 2018 588 klik
B2P2BPTH and CSR Djarum Foundation Are Exploring Cooperation

B2P2BPTH (Yogyakarta, 18/5/2018). To improve the role of R&D in the effort of forest and environment conservation, B2P2BPTH is partnering with various parties, one of them is CSR Djarum Foundation. Last Tuesday (15/5) both parties met at B2P2BTH Meeting room to discuss the cooperation plan. “There are many R&D results that we need to disseminate so that the general public can learn about and use our featured products. To smooth this out, we feel that we need to ask external party so that eventua

Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 21 Mei 2018 1561 klik
Lab Test Results by BP2TSTH Researcher: 10% Geronggang Can Withstand Inundation and Showed Adaptation Response

BP2TSTH (Kuok, 17/5/2018). Currently, researcher from R&D Center of Forest Plantation Fiber Technology (BP2TSTH) is conducting research on geronggang durability, one of the native species on the land/peat swamp forest ecosystem toward inundation. The background for this research was the question on the suitability of this type to be planted in inundated area. As it has been known, research result in another place showed that this species is relatively cannot withstand inundation. Slightly differ

Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 21 Mei 2018 806 klik
B2P2BPTH Expert Archivist Won 3rd Place for KLHK Best Archivist

B2P2BPTH (Bogor, 17/5/2018). Astoto Nugroho, S.ST. Ars, an Expert Archivist to the R&D Center for Biotechnology and Forest Plant Breeding (B2P2BPTH) won 3rd place in the selection for 2018 Best Archivist of Minister of Environment and Forestry (KLHK). The selection was conducted for two days on May 8-9, 2018 at Arc Hotel, Bogor – held by the General Affairs Bureau of KLHK General Secretariat. This was a follow-up event to the commitment of the Body and Directorate General under the KLHK in front

Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 21 Mei 2018 745 klik
Fieldtrip and General Lecture of USI Students at BP2LHK Aek Nauli

BP2LHK Aek Nauli (Aek Nauli, 17/5/2018). Simalungun University (USI) students conducted fieldtrip at the R&D Center for Environment and Forestry (BP2LHK) Aek Nauli last Friday (11/5). This fieldtrip was followed by 44 students from the 2nd, 4th, and 6th semesters.

Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 18 Mei 2018 1397 klik
Puslitbang Hutan Receives Award from Bogor Government and STP Bandung for their QR Code Tree Identity Information System

Puslitbang Hutan (Bogor, 17/5/2018). Several time ago, the Forest R&D Center (Puslitbang Hutan), R&D and Innovation Body, KLHK, received an award each from the Bogor Government School of Tourism (STP) Bandung. Both awards are given related to the innovation of Tree Identity Information System (KIP) using Quick Response (QR) Code that has been utilized by both institutions. The Puslitbang innovation has been applied to the trees along the main road in Bogor City and Cikole Research Forest (HP) as

Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 18 Mei 2018 1128 klik
Irai Tea and Pasak Bumi Sponge Cake, B2P2EHD Innovations, Certified

B2P2EHD (Samarinda, 17/5/2018). R&D Center for Dipterocarps Forest Ecosystem (B2P2EHD) received another Household Industry Food Production Certification (P-IRT) issued by Health Agency of Samarinda City for their Irai Tea and Pasak Bumi Sponge Cake.

Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 18 Mei 2018 983 klik
BP2LHK Manado, BPDASHL Tondano and Melonguane Marine Force Base Planted 10 thousands at the Border

BP2LHK Manado (Marampit, 15/5/2018). Center for The Environment and Forestry (BP2LHK) Manado along with BPDASHL Tondano and the Melonguane Marine Force Base conducted the planting of around 10 thousands of tress at Marampit, Talaud Islands District, North Sulawesi, on Tuesday (15/5). Melonguane Base Commander, Lieutenant Colonel (Marines), Augustinus Purba, on his speech read by Danposmat Pelda TTU Yoyok said that this event is to show that the Marines care about the environment.

Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 18 Mei 2018 997 klik
Bappenas-OECD Synergy: Early Steps in Formulating Low Carbon Development Plan

P3SEKPI (Bogor, 11/5/2018). The National Planning Board (Bappenas) and Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) held a “Workshop Low Carbon & Green Growth Initiative in Indonesia’s National Development Planning” at Bappenas office, Jakarta, last Monday (7/5). This workshop is the initial step in formulating Low Carbon Development Plan (RPRK) showing actual steps from Indonesia to respond the climate change issues. Formulation of the RPRK was the mainstreaming of climate chang

Research, Development and Innovation Agency

Ministry of Environment and Forestry