• Strategi Media Sosial BP2TSTH dalam Penyebaran Informasi Litbang – Read More
  • FORDA Survey – Read More
  • Laporan Kinerja BLI Tahun 2017 (informasi pelaksanaan kegiatan di BLI) – Read More
  • Berbagai Potensi dan Peluang Penelitian bagi Mahasiswa di BP2LHK Aek Nauli – Read More
  • Mengubah Limbah Kayu Hutan Rawa Gambut Bekas Kebakaran Menjadi Arang Kompos dan Cuka Kayu – Read More
  • PUI 2018, Balitek DAS akan Bersinergi dengan B2P2BPTH Yogyakarta – Read More

R & D News


Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 20 Agustus 2018 3801 klik
Sumsel Expo 2018, an Event to Promote KLHK Assisted R&D and Farmers Products

BP2LHK Palembang (Palembang, Agustus 2018), Kamis (16/8/2018), The 2018 Sumsel Expo was officially opened by the South Sumatran Governor, Alex Noerdin at Dekranasda Building, Jakabaring. The Minister of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) also participated in one booth, showcasing the R&D products and products of their assisted farmers.

Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 20 Agustus 2018 1069 klik
BLI Showcased Their Featured Food and Energy from R&D Results at RITECH EXPO 2018

BP2LHK Aek Nauli (Pekanbaru, Agustus 2018). R&D and Innovation Body (BLI), Minister of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) through their working units participated in RITECH (Research, Innovation, and Technology) EXPO 2018 in Pekanbaru, August 9 - 12, 2018. In the expo, BLI showcased various R&D products i.e. taxus teas, pirdot tea, murbey tea, gaharu tea, honey, and its derivatives such as soap and cream, incense perfume, and several featured forest plants.

Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 16 Agustus 2018 1454 klik
Comparative Study, Papuan Peat Restoration Team Visited BP2LHK Palembang’s Peat Restoration Plot

BP2LHK Palembang (Kayuagung, Agustus 2018). R&D Center for Environment and Forestry (BP2LHK) Palembang has successfully managed the peatland. Wanted to learn from their experiences, last Thursday (9/8/2018), the Papuan Peat Restoration Team visited BP2LHK Palembang’s peat restoration plot located in Kedaton Village, Sepucuk, Ogan Komering Ilir.

Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 15 Agustus 2018 3108 klik
Taxus Tea, Anti-Cancer Herbal Drink from Aek Nauli

BP2LHK Aek Nauli (Aek Nauli, Agustus 2018). Currently, researchers from R&D Center of the Environment and Forestry (BP2LHK) Aek Nauli is looking for the best method to process taxus leaves into teabags to be marketed as anti-cancer herbal tea. This is done to further introduced the benefits of taxus as well as developing the conservation efforts done by BP2LHK Aek Nauli selama ini.

Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 15 Agustus 2018 876 klik
BP2LHK Makassar Researchers’ Assistance to Wood Business Organization is Starting to Pay Off

BP2LHK Makassar (Makassar, Agustus 2018). HIPKI from Bulukumba District recently is active on sharing their organizational development and the assistance they received from social-economy researchers of R&D Center for Environment and Forestry (BP2LHK) Makassar that are starting to show results. Through his social media, HIPKI Bulukumba Chief, H. Jumaring shared his stories on being assisted by BP2LHK Makassar’s researchers and sharing photos of HIPKI Bulukumba activities recently.

Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 14 Agustus 2018 1106 klik
Downstream on Bamboo Agroforestry Development, BP2TA Ciamis Conducts Simple Bamboo Lamination Traning

BP2TA (Ciamis, Agustus 2018). In developing the bamboo-based agroforestry, researchers from R&D Center for Agroforestry Technology (BP2TA) Ciamis continues their assistance and community development effort at Sukaharja Village, Rajadesa Sub-district, Ciamis District. Not only focusing on the cultivation process, the downstream assistance is also conducted.

Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 13 Agustus 2018 1057 klik
Synergy and Commitment Establishment to Broaden the Operationalization of Aren-based Independent Villages

P3HH (Boalemo, Agustus 2018). Collaborating with Boalemo District Government, R&D Center for Forest Products (P3HH) hosted a synergy action meeting for the implementation of Aren-based Independent Village, last Monday (13/8/2018) at Boalemo Regent Office. This meeting is conducted to strengthen the synergy and the commitment establishment to broaden its operationalization.

Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 10 Agustus 2018 1786 klik
Expedition to Bring Light to Sumba Island

BP2LHK Makassar (Makassar, Agustus 2018). Who never heard about Sumba Island, an island located in East Nusa Tenggara, a hidden gem with its tremendous natural beauty. Yet, despite of its natural beauties, several villages there are still left in the darkness as there is no electricity. In order to bring light to Sumba Island, the Microhydro Team of BP2LHK Makassar in cooperation with BTN Matalawa conducted a 16 days expedition, from 10 to 25 July, 2018. Following is their stories.

Posted by Muhamad Sahri Chair - 10 Agustus 2018 1471 klik
Improving Quality and Professionalism on Enviromental and Forestry Sector, 13 KLHK Civil Servants Joined 4 Criteria Tests in Samarinda

B2P2EHD (Samarinda, Agustus 2018). R&D Office of Dipterocarps Forest Ecosystem Development (B2P2EHD) in cooperation with the Secretariate of R&D and Innovation Body (BLI) and the Employee Bureau, Minister of the Environment and Forestry (LHK) conducted Test/ Four Criteria Test at Dipta Graha Building B2P2EHD, Samarinda, last dan Biro Kepegawaian Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (LHK) menyelenggarakan Test / Ujian Empat Kriteria di Samarinda, last August 8-9, 2018.

Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 09 Agustus 2018 1359 klik
BP2LHK Banjarbaru Conducts Organoleptic Test on Gemor Tea, Anti-Diabetic Supplement

BP2LHK Banjarbaru (Banjarbaru, Agustus 2018). Prior to producing and marketing tea made of gemor leaves (Notaphoebe coriaceae), a herbal supplement resulted from its R&D, researcher for R&D Center for the Environment and Forestry (BP2LHK) Banjarbaru conducted organoleptic test to find out respondents’ acceptance to the anti-diabetic supplement drink.

Research, Development and Innovation Agency

Ministry of Environment and Forestry