• Strategi Media Sosial BP2TSTH dalam Penyebaran Informasi Litbang – Read More
  • FORDA Survey – Read More
  • Laporan Kinerja BLI Tahun 2017 (informasi pelaksanaan kegiatan di BLI) – Read More
  • Berbagai Potensi dan Peluang Penelitian bagi Mahasiswa di BP2LHK Aek Nauli – Read More
  • Mengubah Limbah Kayu Hutan Rawa Gambut Bekas Kebakaran Menjadi Arang Kompos dan Cuka Kayu – Read More
  • PUI 2018, Balitek DAS akan Bersinergi dengan B2P2BPTH Yogyakarta – Read More

R & D News


Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 09 Maret 2018 674 klik
Discussion on Food Potentials and Prospects at Aek Nauli Forest Area with LHK Minister Expert Staff – Food Sector

BP2LHK Aek Nauli (Aek Nauli, Maret 2018). Potentials existed in Forest Area for Special Purpose (KHDTK) Environment and Forestry Research Body (BP2LHK) Aek Nauli is heavily disseminated. Last Tuesday (06/03/2018), BP2LHK Aek Nauli conducted discussion on food potentials and prospects with Dr. Ir. Hj. R. Sabrina, M.Si, Expert Staff on Food Sector to Minister of Environment and Forestry.

Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 09 Maret 2018 1452 klik
Volunteering to Replanting the Peat Swamp Forest, Nature Lovers Students of MAN Palangkaraya Conducted RePeat at KHDTK Tumbang Nusa

BP2LHK Banjarbaru (Banjarbaru, Maret 2018). Forest Area for Special Purpose (KHDTK) Tumbang Nusa was once again conducted a voluntarily RePeat (Rehabilitation of Peatland). Joining the RePeat were 20 Nature Lover Students (SISPALA) from State Owned Madrasa (MAN) Palangkaraya. Prior to the replanting, these students accompanied by their teachers visited the pristine peat swamp forest at KHDTK Tumbang Nusa. Students received explanation on types of trees growing in peat swamp, the jelutong tree an

Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 08 Maret 2018 785 klik
Urbanscape: Landscape to Mitigate Climate Change

P3SEKPI (Jakarta, Maret 2018). Actually, the effort of climate change management can be started from the city’s landscape design oriented to the sustainable nature called urbanscape. This was stressed by Anggia Murni, a landscape architect from Indonesia Landscape Industries Network (ILINET) during the Smart Talk (NgoPi) event at Climate Corner last Wednesday (07/03/2018). One of the landscaping effort that is sustainably nature oriented is by adding more Open Green Space (RTH). Anggia said, if

Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 08 Maret 2018 743 klik
GBCI: Green Communities, Key to Success for Green Development

BLI (Bogor, Maret 2018). According to_ Bintang A. Nugroho, a landscape architect from Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI), green communities are the key to success for green development initiated by the government. This was said during the Smart Talk (Ngopi) event at Climate Corner, held by the Minister of Environment and Forestry last Wednesday (07/03/2018). During the event themed “Urbanscape and Climate Change”, Bintang explained the importance of green communities, as they will be the ag

Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 08 Maret 2018 2268 klik
Reaching Out to Out of Town Participants Using Video Conference, Resource Person onf ‘Ngopi’ Event at Climate Corner Appreciates KLHK

BLI (Bogor, Maret 2018). Minister of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) and Climate Corner Forum held their Smart Talk (Ngopi) event, under the theme “Urbanscape and Climate Change”, last Wednesday (07/03/2018). As usual, to reach the out of town participants, the event regularly held every Wednesday at Manggala Wanabakti Building, Jakarta, was broadcasted through video conference (vicon) operated by the Data and Information Team, R&D and Innovation Body (BLI) KLHK.

Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 07 Maret 2018 1484 klik
High Rainfall and Changing Land Use, The Causes of 2016 Garut Flood

Balitek DAS (Solo, Maret 2018). Flood occurred in Garut District, West Java on September 20, 2016 – was caused by two main factors; natural factor, the high rainfall on or before the flooding (around 110-250 mm/day), and the damaged forest area at Sub-DAS Cimanuk Hulu due to the changing land use. This was stated by Dr. Ir. Endang Savitri, M.Sc., and Dr. Irfan Budi Pramono, M.Sc. in their article Analysis on Cimanuk Hulu Flood 2016 published on Research Journal of Watershed Management (JPPDAS),

Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 07 Maret 2018 691 klik
Supporting KLHK Performance, B2P2BPTH Establishes Cooperation with Parties

B2P2BPTH (Yogyakarta, Maret 2018). To support the performance of Minister of Environment and Forestry (KLHK), R&D for Biotechnology and Forest Plantations Breeding Body (B2P2BPTH) Yogyakarta established a multi parties cooperation, both from domestic and overseas. Last Wednesday (28/02/2018), B2P2BPTH inked several MoUs with these parties.

Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 06 Maret 2018 1337 klik
Generative Propagation Technique is Appropriate for the Endangered Kuku Wood

BP2LHK Makassar (Makassar, Maret 2018). Kuku Wood (Pericopsis Mooniana Thw), is a local wood species of Sulawesi and one of the protected flora as it is considered to be endangered. To preserve it, a re-forestation and forest development, supported by silviculture technology, especially the propagation technique are necessary.

Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 05 Maret 2018 638 klik
Volunteering Day with Environment Care and Conservation Actions at BP2LHK Manado

BP2LHK Manado (Manado, Maret 2018). R&D for Environment and Forestry Body (BP2LHK) Manado was once again trusted by the public to improve the understanding on the environment and conservation as they welcome the visit from PT. Multi Bintang Indonesia Tbk. themed “Voluntering Day Save Anoa to Celebrate World Wildlife Day” with Environment Care and Conservation Actions at BP2LHK Manado, last Wednesday (28/02/2018).

Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 05 Maret 2018 767 klik
BP2LHK Banjarbaru Leads The 2018 Meratus Expedition

BP2LHK Banjarbaru (Banjarbaru, Maret 2018). R&R Environment and Forestry Bidy (BP2LHK) Banjarbaru and Regional R&D Body (Balitbangda) South Kalimantan through Banua Botanical Garden ans Pena Hijau Indonesia, conduct a long trip to Balangan and Tabalong to record and document samples of fruit plants, medicinal plants, and trees at Meratus Mountains.

Research, Development and Innovation Agency

Ministry of Environment and Forestry