• Strategi Media Sosial BP2TSTH dalam Penyebaran Informasi Litbang – Read More
  • FORDA Survey – Read More
  • Laporan Kinerja BLI Tahun 2017 (informasi pelaksanaan kegiatan di BLI) – Read More
  • Berbagai Potensi dan Peluang Penelitian bagi Mahasiswa di BP2LHK Aek Nauli – Read More
  • Mengubah Limbah Kayu Hutan Rawa Gambut Bekas Kebakaran Menjadi Arang Kompos dan Cuka Kayu – Read More
  • PUI 2018, Balitek DAS akan Bersinergi dengan B2P2BPTH Yogyakarta – Read More

R & D News


Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 07 Mei 2018 597 klik
Mapping Out the Mercury Research Status, P3KLL Held Mercury Workshop

P3KLL (Serpong, 4/5/2018). In cooperation with BaliFokus, R&D Center for Quality and Environment Laboratory (P3KLL) held a Mercurcy Workshop at P3KLL Auditorium, Serpong, last Thursday (3/5). Themed “Monitoring Integration and Mercury Research as the Basis of Policy to Realize Mercury-free Indonesia 2030”, the workshop was attended by around 100 participants from various institutions such as KSDAE and other related Directorate Generals under the Ministry of the Environment and Forestry (KLHK, BP

Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 07 Mei 2018 611 klik
BP2TSTH Kuok Introduces The Importance of Keeping The Environment to the Students of TK Nurul Huda, Siak

BP2TSTH (Kuok, 4/5/2018). Education and caring for the environment need to be nurtured since young age. This is what R&D Center for Forest Fiber Technology (BP2TSTH) has been doing with students from Nurul Huda Kindergarten (TK) at Siak District, Riau. To directly implement the “environment” themed material taught in class, the education institution located at Kampung Tasik Seminai, Koto Gasib Sub-district, Siak, visited BP2TSTH Kuok office last Thursday (3/5). 42 students, 4 teachers, and 54 pa

Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 04 Mei 2018 683 klik
The 100th Meeting, Special Edition, More Diversed Resource Persons for Climate Corner

P3SEKPI (Jakarta, 3/5/2018). On a special edition to celebrate the 100th meeting, the Council of Climate Change Consideration Assessment (DPPPI) as the organizer, explored the Climate Corner Discussion further by doubling the duration and invited more resource persons with more diverse background.

Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 04 Mei 2018 827 klik
Balitek DAS Solo Researcher: Rainwater Harvesting Technique, A Solution to Draught in Grobogan

Balitek DAS (Solo, 3/5/2018). Draught often hit the Grobogan District, Central Java, as seen in Sub-village Pamor, Bunjardowo, Kradenan. This area suffers from monthly draught, despite the high rainfall. Between 2006 – 2014, the average rainfall in the area was 2.025 mm with average rainy days of 111 days. Unfortunately, during May – October they always have water deficit or draught.

Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 03 Mei 2018 1291 klik
Having an Interest With Forest Conservation Based Micro-hydro, BKSDA Southeast Sulawesi Had A Study Trip to BP2LHK Makassar

BP2LHK Makassar (2/5/2018). A group from Office of Natural Resources Conservation (BKSDA) Southeast Sulawesi visited the R&D Center for Environment and Forestry (BP2LHK) Makassar, last Monday (30/4). The visit was held during a study visit as they are interested to build a community-based forest conservation micro-hydro, an innovation from BP2LHK Makassar that has been improving the community livelihood at Bulukumba District, South Sulawesi.

Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 03 Mei 2018 1916 klik
B2P2BPTH Researcher as the Main Speaker on the National Seminar of “Optimizing the Indonesian Natural Bioenergy Management to Support National Energy Security”

B2P2BPTH (Semarang, 4/2018). Prof. (Research) Dr. Ir. Budi Leksono, M.P., researcher to R&D Center for Biotechnology and Plant Breeding (B2P2BPTH), Yogyakarta, one of the working unit under the Center for R&D and Innovation, Minister of the Environment and Forestry, was the main speaker on a National Seminar “Optimizing the Indonesian Natural Bioenergy Management to Support National security” at the PGRI University Hall, Semarang, last Thursday (26/4).

Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 03 Mei 2018 1253 klik
SDN 011 Samboja Held Scientific Tour to Balitek KSDA

Balitek KSDA (Samboja, 3/5/2018). R&D Center for Natural Resources Conservation Technology (Balitek KSDA) was once again becoming the scientific tourism destination for students. As many as 43 students from Class 4 and 5 of State Elementary School (SDN) 011 Samboja along with their principal and seven teachers visited Balitek KSDA Office last Monday (30/3).

Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 02 Mei 2018 907 klik
Project ACIAR FST/2012/040: The Power of Collaboration & Participation of Australia - Indonesia

P3SEKPI (Bogor, 2/5/2018). The Joint Research Project ACIAR FST/2012/040 titled Enhancing Smallholder Benefits from Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Indonesia, is one of the cooperation project at R&D Center for Social Economy Policy and Climate Change (P3SEKPI) ended on April 30, 2018. Three provinces; Riau, Central Kalimantan, and Papua are selected as research locations initiated in 2013 and effectively ran since February 2014.

Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 02 Mei 2018 968 klik
Medicinal Plants Research, LIPI Researchers Visited BP2LHK Aek Nauli

BP2LHK Aek Nauli (Aek Nauli, 30/4/2018). Research team from Biology Research Center, Indonesian Institute of Science (Puslit ) visited R&D Center for Environment and Forestry (BP2LHK) Aek Nauli, last Thursday (26/4). The visit conducted by Dr. Andria Agusta and Dewi Wulandari, M,Si, and their engineer, , Andi Septaji was related with the medicinal plants research conducted by LIPI.

Posted by Rizda Hutagalung - 02 Mei 2018 717 klik
ULM Banjarbaru Student Researching Nyawai Trees at KHDTK Riam Kiwa

BP2LHK Banjarbaru (Banjarbaru, 30/4/2018)­. One of the function of Forest Area with Special Purpose (KHDTK) is to develop science, especially in the forestry sector. Related to that, Doni Anggara, a student from Forestry Faculty, Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) Banjarbaru is conducting research titled “Damage Identification on Nyawai Stands at KHDTK Riam Kiwa”. This research is conducted as a requirement to obtain his Bachelor (S1) degree.

Research, Development and Innovation Agency

Ministry of Environment and Forestry